A Soul of Ash and Blood (Blood and Ash #5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout review

Hello, hello, welcome back!

Yes, this is my second post this month, how wild is that?

It appears that July has been a good month for me to get some blogs posted. I’ve read some amazing books and I want to talk to you all about them!!

One of those amazing books is the fifth installment of the Blood and Ash series by JLA, A Soul of Ash and Blood.

This book is everything and more of this series. We are four books deep into this series and there are three books where we got nothing from Cas, but now it’s his turn to show us his side of the beginning and my gosh, let me say right off the bat, I love his brain!!

Before I go any further, I am obligated to let you know I received an advance e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. But even if I had not gotten a copy in advance I would talk to you about this book, because this one is literally one of my favorite series so, there is that.

Let’s read what this book is all about before we dive any deeper, shall we?

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Opposition (The Lux series) by Jennifer L. Armentrout book talk

Hello lovelies!

I hope everything is going amazing for you guys, the end of the year is literally a week away (if you are reading this the week of Christmas, if it’s after that, then Happy New Year!! 2021 better be nicer to us!) We made it!!

This year was such a hard year for all of us, we all lost something, either our freedoms to do something we’ve been looking forward to for a while, or the worse one of them all, we lost someone that left us too soon.

The only constant we bookworms had was books. Our books kept us company, took us to far away lands when this world was brining us down, and made us believe in real love even in our darkest times.

For me, many of the books that took me to far away lands or made me believe in real love, where actually rereads. If you remember I’ve been rereading The Lux series by the queen Jennifer L. Armentrout and I’ve been taking you all in my journey doing this book talks.

Today we have reach the end of the series, Opposition is the last book and it’s the perfect ending to an amazing series.

Let’s read what the book is all about:

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Oblivion (The Lux series) by Jennifer L. Armentrout book talk

Hello everyone!

I know, I know, I been a little MIA here and that is because I had a really rough month last month. Nothing horrible happened, but my anxiety got the better of me and it was really hard to read or concentrate on anything for too long.

Thankfully I’ve been feeling a lot better lately and I’ve had the chance to read again and the one book that I started with was, Oblivion.

If you remember I’m doing a reread of The Lux series and I’m taking you all with me on my journey. Today we discuss Oblivion, which is either book 1.5 or 3.5 depending on what format you get.

The reason why is the fourth book talk, is because for me is book 3.5, I got the kindle edition of the book which includes, not just Obsidian in Daemon’s point of view, but also Onyx and Opal. This book is what you all need if you have always wanted to know what was going on inside his head in the first three books.

So let’s read the description shall we:

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The Burning Shadow (Origin series #2) by Jennifer L. Armentrout book talk

Hello everyone!!

Before I start telling you about this book, I want to make a quick PSA.

As you might have noticed I titled this post a “book talk” because I’ve been feeling like my “reviews” are more of me just hyping up the book or talking it down (depending on whether or not I liked it) more than being a straight forward review, so I decided that from now on I will be titling them “book talks” instead of “reviews” because they fit that description better.

With that being said, I have to talk to you about The Burning Shadow, the second installment of the Origin series by Jennifer (the queen) L. Armentrout.

The author provided an E-ARC in exchange for an  honest review, and get ready people, it won’t get more honest than this.

Let’s read what the book is about:

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Top 10 most anticipated books of the year

Every year I slowly die with anticipation about certain books because I have to wait an entire year to read the continuation of the story, in some cases even more than a year which is torture.

The joy I experience every time I see the cover of the new book or the description of said continuation or brand new story, for me is like Christmas don’t matter what time of the year it is.

So without much verbiage I give you my top 10 most anticipated books I cannot wait to read. Continue reading